InSIS Research Fellows at COP27

Three InSIS Research Fellows are attending the COP27 meeting in Sharm El-Sheikh. This is a selection of their activities over the next two weeks.



Jessica Omukutiour Inclusive Net Zero fellow, is involved in a series of events and activities relating to net zero in the global South. As a member of the United Nations High Level Expert Group (UNHLEG), Jessica will take part in launching the Group’s recommendations on how to avoid greenwashing in net zero pledges by non-state actors.

On 9th November 10-11am (EET), Jessica will be speaking at an event on ‘Demystifying Sustainable Finance for an Intergenerational Audience’ organised by Youngo at the COP27 Children and Youth Pavilion. That same day at 4.30-6pm (EET), she will be speaking at an event organised by the Spanish Financial Markets Authority at the Spanish Pavilion. The event is titled ‘From commitments to action: the recommendations of the UN Secretary-General HLEG on Net-Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Actors,’ and Jessica will discuss how just transitions, credits and regulation are reflected in the UNHLEG recommendations.

On 10th November 9-9.45am (EET), Jessica will be speaking at an event organised by Unilever at the Business Pavilion. The event is titled ‘Zero targets and Transition Plans: where do new definitions and standards take us?’ On 12th November 8-9pm (EET), she will be speaking at an event hosted by the Net Zero Tracker in Room 5 in the Blue Zone. The event is titled ‘Balancing net zero integrity and momentum’, and in it Jessica will share findings from her recent work tracking net zero commitments of Africa’s 250 largest publicly listed companies, as well as the lessons learned from this work. 

On 14th November 11.30am-1pm (EET) in Room 3 (Hatshepsut), Jessica will be speaking at an event organised by the University of Melbourne. The event is titled ‘Adaption priorities in the Indo-Pacific and Africa: Co-designed knowledge and solutions.’ Jessica will talk about the lessons from Oxford Net Zero’s ongoing work in Africa on the importance and links between just transitions and adaptation to climate change.




Suleiman Halasah and Michael Gilmont are attending COP27 to present and discuss their work as part of the Oxford Martin Programme in Transboundary Resource Management.

On 15th November at 4:00pm (EET), Suleiman will be speaking about cross-border integrated coastal zone management for the Gulf of Aqaba, as part of a panel on the role of local authorities in mitigating climate change and regional cooperation. This panel is coordinated by the city of Eilat and the Israeli Ministry of Regional Cooperation, and is hosted by the Israeli pavilion.

Suleiman is also coordinating a panel on 15th November at 1:45pm at the Mediterranean Pavilion to discuss the work of the Oxford Martin School program on Transboundary Resource Management, and the value of water and energy models in shaping regional policy. Suleiman is also coordinating a series of meetings with the Jordanian, Israeli and Palestinian delegations (at the governmental and CSOs levels) to present the current project and get their insights and feedback.


michael gilmont


On 14th November Michael Gilmont will moderate a panel on freshwater use decoupling and water security convened by the Egyptian COP27 Presidency. On November 17th, at the Israeli Pavilion (1pm, EET), Michael and Suleiman will participate in a panel on Environmental Diplomacy in the Middle East, coordinated by the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies. They will be discussing the experience within the Oxford Martin Programme in Transboundary Resource Management with Track 2 diplomacy in the design and implementation of transboundary projects in Jordan, Israel and Palestine.