Institute for Science Innovation and Society : All Pages
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- Climate Alternatives Programme
- Changing Ecologies of Knowledge and Action (CEKA)
- Bridging the Gap for Innovations in Disaster Resilience (BRIGAID)
- BioProperty
- News
- Newsletters
- How Institutions Think (HIT)
- Delivering Food and Water Security in a Middle East in Flux (DeFWS)
- Oxford Interdisciplinary Microbiome Project (IMP)
- InSIS Hilary Seminar Series - seminar 1
- Horizons of Movement: Interdisciplinary Encounters in Kinesthetic Thinking
- Publications
- About Us
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- Academic Staff
- Research Fellows
- Visitors
- DPhil Students
- Research Affiliates
- Occasional Papers
- Mary Douglas Memorial Lectures
- Climate change and geoengineering
- Future of Cities
- BioProperty
- Dr Javier Lezaun
- Antonella Surdi
- Oxford Interdisciplinary Microbiome Project (IMP)
- Horizons of Movement: Interdisciplinary Encounters in Kinesthetic Thinking
- InSIS Special Seminar - A Failure of Classification: Ebola and the Administrative Imagination
- InSIS Seminar Series - The Nature of Data
- InSIS Seminar Series - A Material Engagement Approach to the Study of Technological Change
- InSIS Special Seminar - The many pasts of Dolly: Working across mice, sheep and humans in Edinburgh, 1980-97
- InSIS Seminar Series - From the Anthropology of Technics to the Anthropology of Technology: Theories, Methods and Questions
- Oxford Martin Programme on Resource Stewardship (OMPORS)
- Oxford Programme for the Future of Cities
- Alysia Garmulewicz
- Amy Hinterberger
- Anna-Maria Hubert
- Professor Bjӧrn-Ola Linnér
- Catherine Montgomery
- James Palmer
- Natalie Porter
- Jerome Ravetz
- Tanja Schneider
- Steve Woolgar
- Dr Rob Bellamy
- Administrative Staff
- 2016 Publications
- 2015 Publications
- 2014 Publications
- 2013 Publications
- 2012 Publications
- 2011 Publications
- 2010 Publications
- 2009 Publications
- 2007 Publications
- 2006 Publications
- 2008 Publications
- 2005 Publications
- 2004 Publications
- Past Projects
- Greenhouse Gas Removal Instruments & Policies Project (GRIP)
- Forecasts for AnTicipatory HUManitarian action (FATHUM)
- Envisioning Emergent Environments: Negotiating science & resource management in rural communities
- InSIS Seminar Series - Citizen Science: a new knowledge politics?
- InSIS Seminar Series - Open Innovation
- InSIS Seminar Series - N of 1: Self-Tracking as Personal Science
- 2004-2010 Publications
- 2011-2015 Publications
- InSIS Seminar Series - 'Science in Your Own Hands: Promises and Perils of DIY Science'
- Oxford Interdisciplinary Mircobiome Project website launched
- 2017 Mary Douglas Memorial Lecture
- Horizons of Movement: Interdisciplinary Encounters in Kinesthetic Thinking
- Publication - City networks: breaking gridlocks or forging (new) lock-ins?
- 2017 Mary Douglas Memorial Lecture
- InSIS Seminar Series - Smart Citizenship. Recovering the productive role of society through new technologies
- InSIS Seminar Series - Civic Science and DIY Enquiry: critical perspectives and experiences from Jerusalem, London and New York
- InSIS Seminar Series - Do-it-yourself Biology (DIYBio): between education, innovation, subversion and empowerment
- InSIS Seminar Series - DIYBio: freedom of experimentation
- Peter Healey
- Future of Cities Seminar Series - 'Urban Life'
- A Climate Movement at War
- Congratulations Sophie Haines - ESRC Future Leaders grant
- What might Evans-Pritchard have made of two degrees?
- InSIS at 4S/EASST conference
- InSIS Welcomes Professor Lisa Dilling
- New publication - Engaged scholarship: Steering between the risks of paternalism, opportunism and paralysis
- Anthropologies of Forecasting Weather and Climate
- InSIS Special Seminar - A Failure of Classification: Ebola and the Administrative Imagination
- Urban Governance and Its Disconents - video now available
- InSIS Special Seminar - The many pasts of Dolly: Working across mice, sheep and humans in Edinburgh, 1980-97
- InSIS Seminar Series - An Algorithmic Imaginary: Anticipation and Stupidity
- Urban Governance and its Discontents
- Data practices in open-source drug discovery
- Interdisciplinary Microbiome Project Hilary Term Seminar Series
- InSIS Seminar Series - Anthropological Approaches to Technics - speaker schedule now available
- BRIGAID Research Project
- Drought Workshop Report
- InSIS Welcomes Dr Michael Gilmont and the DeFWS Project
- InSIS at RAI Conference in May
- InSIS Seminar Series - Anthropological Approaches to Technics
- InSIS Welcomes Judith Keuter
- Data practices in open-source drug discovery
- House of Lords report on genetically modified insects
- InSIS Welcomes Chris Goldsworthy
- New publications
- 2017 Publications
- Postdoctoral Research Assistant on the Social Dimensions of the Microbiome - Applications close 13 March 2017
- Improving Predictions of Drought for User Decision Making (IMPETUS)
- InSIS Welcomes Louise Bezuidenhout
- InSIS Welcomes Sara de Wit
- New Institutional Links project on Zika
- 'Jordan can reduce agricultural water use by a third, research finds'
- InSIS Welcomes Dr Stefan Schäfer
- How Institutions Think (HIT) workshop
- The dynamics of vulnerability: What droughts and flooding can teach us about adapting to climate change
- The dynamics of vulnerability: What droughts and flooding can teach us about adapting to climate change
- Of what is global health the symptom: authorization, value and anticipation after Ebola
- Seminar - Of what is global health the symptom: authorization, value and anticipation after Ebola.
- GGREW (Greenhouse Gas Removal: Enhanced Weathering)
- New Project: Releasing divalent cations to sequester carbon on land and sea
- New projects: Understanding policy needs and regional cooperation opportunities for improving water allocations in the Middle East: The case of Jordan
- Saving Ourselves: Interviews with World Leaders on the Sustainable Transition
- InSIS Welcomes Dr Oliver Geden
- Dr Stefan Schäfer on 'The Logic and Controversies of Geoengineering'
- New publication - 'Data sharing in low-resourced research environments'
- New publication - 'Technology Transfer and True Transformation: Implications for Open Data'
- InSIS Welcomes Dr Anna-Maria Hubert and Jane Flegal
- Trump and the Paris climate agreement
- 'Climate Engineering: Recasting Expertise?'
- InSIS at 4S Boston
- InSIS Welcomes Noam Segal
- Scientific research and public health emergencies: the Zika virus epidemic in Brazil
- InSIS research on the public acceptability of geoengineering experimentation
- To Sleep Perchance To Dream
- Social Sciences and Humanities Seminar
- Press Release: Transforming Drug Discovery
- Sustainability Science: a new title edited by InSIS Associate Jerome Ravetz
- Institutional facts and the politics of political fact-checking
- InSIS Seminar Series Hilary Term 2018
- What was sociology?
- CEKA update
- How should we study truth?
- Creating Citizen STS: Science, Fiction and the Future of the 20th Century
- Uncomfortable Knowledge for Science
- The genie out of the bottle? Data valuation and circulation challenges for participatory research
- The Post-Truth Condition: Why We've Always Been There and Why It's Unlikely to Go Away Soon
- Political lives of anticipation: weather, climate and water knowledge in Belize
- 2018 Publications
- Mary Douglas Memorial Lecture 2018
- How Can Sudanese Academics Be Assisted To Overcome The Impact of International Sanctions?
- CFP: Creative Environments, Social Minds at ASA2018
- InSIS Panels at ASA2018
- New book by InSIS Associate
- Community participation in the control of disease vectors: Old questions, new approaches
- Lessons and Legacies of the Zika Emergency
- Crisis, what crisis in Science?
- InSIS at EASST 25-28 July 2018
- Mary Douglas Memorial Lecture 2019
- ASA2018: Creative Environments, Social Minds
- ASA2018: Logistics, time and environment
- ASA2018: Throwing together ways of being/meaning
- Book launch: Microbes and Other Shamanic Beings
- Samuel Murison
- Post-Normal Science Symposium: Address by Jerome Ravetz
- Negotiating Environmental Knowledges
- Genomic Medicine and Clinical Practice: Promises, Politics and Practice
- InSIS Seminar Series
- 2019 Publications
- International Sanctions and Global Science
- Application of Novel Transgenic technology & Inherited symbionts to Vector Control (Anti-Vec)
- InSIS Seminar Series HT 2019
- Understanding the uses of mathematical models in policy-making (MODEL-POL)
- The Trouble with Open Science
- Resources
- The Tolstoy-Poincare controversy on ethics in science
- Social Sciences of Modelling: Exploring New Research Agendas
- Logistics and Infrastructure - InSIS-COMPAS workshop
- 2020 Publications
- Events
- Transboundary Resource Management
- Dr Stefan Schäfer
- Dr Oliver Geden
- Professor Steve Woolgar
- Dr Jerome Ravetz
- OceanNETs
- Dr Tanja Schneider
- Karl Dudman
- Dr Noëlle Rohde
- Academic Year 2015/16
- Academic Year 2016/17
- Academic Year 2017/18
- GASCON (GGRs: Governance and Standards for Carbon Neutrality)
- Surveying Open Data Practices in Research 2020 - Africa
- 'Virtual Open House' on the OxAir project
- Climate Geoengineering Governance (CGG)
- Impact & Engagement
- Dalton Price
- Dr Sara De Wit
- Dr Jose Maria Valenzuela
- Dr Lina Beatriz Pinto García
- Dr James Palmer
- Developing the Social Science of Malaria Control for Areas of High Transmission
- The Social Science of Malaria Control
- 2021 Publications
- Diseased Landscapes
- Dr Jessica Omukuti
- Juanita Uribe Garcia
- Dr Sara Nawaz
- ResIST - Researching Inequalities through Science and Technology
- A regional view on climate action and carbon removal in Latin America
- Sovereignty Unmasked: Science & Technology Studies, the Pandemic, and Political Theory
- 2022 Publications
- Dr Suleiman Halasah
- Oxford Net Zero
- Current Projects
- Jessica Omukuti on the UN High-Level Expert Group on the Net-Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities
- COP26 put the world on a difficult path to net zero
- Professor Björn-Ola Linnér
- InSIS Research Fellows at COP27
- 2023 Publications
- Network
- Weather Matters
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Policy Papers
- 2024 Publications
- 2016-2020 Publications
- Simone Delzin
- Simone Delzin
- Dr Michael Gilmont
- Institute for Science Innovation and Society: Use of cookies on this website
- Róisín Kennelly
- Barbara Abrahao
- Kimberly Schoemaker