Research Affiliate
Dr Michael Gilmont is a Research Fellow at the University of Oxford Environmental Change Institute (ECI), and a Research Affiliate of InSIS, applying interdisciplinary political, economic and hydrological approaches to analysing water resource development and use. His original conceptualisations on water resource ‘decoupling’ in the Middle East provide the theoretical and empirical underpinnings of the DeFWS project, research which will further develop the theory and policy applications of decoupling. His other work with ECI examines relationships between economic growth, hydroclimatic vulnerability, and water infrastructure investments as buffers to variability, with a focus on trends across states in India. He has also recently been working on water development investments and transboundary water relationships in Asia and Africa, in the context of ongoing Chinese water investments, as part of the DFID-funded ‘Knowledge Exchange in International Waters’ program.
Michael completed his PhD at King's College London on the politics of water reform and the processes of bridging often conflicting demands of social, economic/agricultural and environmental water needs in neoliberal political economies. The work focused on institutional and allocation reforms in California, Southeast Australia and Israel between 2000 and 2010. Michael maintains an active interest in water governance and policy reform processes. He holds a BA in Geography (Cambridge) and an MSc in Hydrology (Imperial College).